Modern Etiquette Wedding Planner — available wherever books are sold
I wrote a book! It’s called Modern Etiquette Wedding Planner: The Essential Organizer to Make Your Day Special for Everyone (Rockridge Press; October 5, 2021).
Here are five things to know about the book:
At first, that word “etiquette” weirded me out until I realized that when handled responsibly, etiquette can be an extremely effective tool in making wedding planning less gross (my ultimate goal).
The book is what’s known as a “planner.” That means it has interactive worksheets and activities for couples to do together as they plan their wedding. If you found me through the free resources on my website, you’re going to love this book.
I equate the book to my honors thesis in wedding planning. It is, as my husband and I joke, #BethInABook. I took everything I’ve learned from five years in business + a global pandemic + co-founding an international event for weddings vendors + my journalism degree and put it in these lovely 212 pages.
Yes, the cover does have a lot of flowers and yes, I did talk to my publisher about it. To be fair, it’s very hard to find wedding imagery that isn’t inherently gendered so I'm grateful that flowers, at least, are something everybody can love.
If you like what you read, you can talk to the author (that’s me!). I offer a consulting service where you hire my wedding planner brain for an hour. Details here.